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B2B Ver B2C

The danger of buying a B2C e-commerce platform for a B2B business!

Are you a medium to large business owner that sells to other businesses and are looking for a new B2B e-commerce platform?

If so, it's important to understand that B2B e-commerce demands much more than B2C platforms can provide.

We see so many B2B companies getting sold generic and B2C platforms because they have selected a web company that does not understand the complex nature of the needs of B2B businesses. The outcome most usually ends in failed projects or at best meeting basic customer needs. The main reason is that there are very few web companies specialising in B2B platforms.

B2B e-commerce requires more advanced features than B2C because of the complex nature of a business-to-business relationship and the demands that imposes on technology.

In this blog post we'll explore why B2B requires a different set of features to meet customer demand and excell in a competitive market. We will also discuss the importance of extensibility in the B2B e-commerce platforms and how these platforms can help increase efficiency and streamline processes.